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Furniture, Sofas, Beds, Domestic Appliances, Flooring, Window Dressing, Everything For The Home! We don't supply poor quality flatpack! Ikea prices with half the hassle! FREE LOCAL DELIVERY, AND PLACING INTO POSITION!! If any assembly is required, we will do that free of charge! But most of our furnishings are factory assembled for the best quality construction.
French Without Fears and Without Tears Small groups (maximum of 10)/Individuals/Companies Our lessons are kept informal, motivating and above all professional - our teachers are French nationals, specifically trained and qualified to teach French to adults. Their experience and dedication have always been essential to the success of our courses. Over 60% of our students re-enrol.
Meiji Techno offers a comprehensive range of microscopes and microscope accessories to meet the needs all types of laboratory.
"one of the leading suppliers of innovative assembly solutions to the automotive industry."
"Netsight design and build state-of-the-art content management systems to allow easy management of websites and intranets."
Locations: City Centre 0117 917 5425
Provides generic and customised communication and data integration solutions within vertical markets, principally travel, transportation and personal financial services. Locations: Redland 0117 908 1250
Weddings, portraits, commercial Locations:   0117 923 9798
Develop parent support programmes Locations: Bishopston 0117 914 7720
Wholesale suppliers of ambient, chilled and frozen foods to sandwich bars, cafes, pubs, canteens, shops, catering units and hotels in Bristol, Bath, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, and Melksham. Tel 0117 939 5511.
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